Our core values are important to us. They are the crux of who we are. But do you even know what your core values are?

The core values guide us through life as they are how we choose to live. The beauty is that each person has a different set of values helping to make a dynamic tapestry. Just because someone values something higher than ourselves, doesn’t make it right or wrong, it’s important for them. What matters more is that we stick to our values in a way that will hopefully enhance society and ourselves.

When we are acting in a way that isn’t aligned with our values, we get stuck. We may find conflict in places where there shouldn’t be. Evaluating and reminding ourself of our core values will help bring us back in a way that makes us more connected with our purpose.

By checking in with decisions and making sure they align with our core values, we will make sure that we are on the right path. There may be tweaks that we need to make, but we should never compromise on them.

For example: I was offered two jobs, one that had 10 hour days with great pay, and other with 8 hour flexible time days for 20% less pay. If my value was family, option 2 could be a better fit. If one of my values was financial security, then option 1 would suit me better. If a family focused person took option 1, they might be immensely resentful after a while, because they couldn’t spend the time with family they need.

Knowing our core values before we make these decisions can make the process so much easier. So let’s figure them out…

We all have between 3-5 major values that we hold dear. Today, I encourage you to find yours. You can download my list of over 250 values at the form below.

Once you have the list. Go through and circle or check each word that resonates with you. After you’ve finished organize them so similar words are together for example: gratitude, compassion, helpful. Keep narrowing down words until you have 3-5 that really are the ones that mean the most to you. The values that you want to be remembered and the help you make decisions as you lead your life.

Values Download

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Kate Hamm combines her 15+ years of experience in the fitness industry and high-end resort program development into sought after wellness coaching and adventures at AnamBliss. Visit www.anambliss.com for more information on coaching services and future retreat dates and locations.