Flow to Reset Preferences
Hello and Welcome!
I’m looking forward to meeting you on Friday, August 16th for the Flow to Reset: CraneWellness Retreat, which is a joint program between The Trustees and myself.
To help you have a wonderful experience and get started as quickly as possible, please fill out the following information by 5pm on Thursday, August 15th.
First we have meal preferences as lunch is included. I’ll be picking up wraps from Common Crow in Rockport. In addition, there will be a salad and some snacks.
Following that is the Liability Waiver. Completing this early will expedite the start time.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out via email or phone 617-454-4417.
The AnamBliss Liability Waiver – Note this is a legal document that will capture information to verify the signer.